Mar 16, 2009

Brokeback Pontiac. April 24, 2009. Toronto.

brokeback pontiac close
Artwork by Tyler Brett

Our next Toronto performance will be at Brokeback Pontiac, a funrasing evening for Boris Carloff (Becky's car that has taken us everywhere). There is a great line-up of performers and a silent auction early in the night that will have a little something for everyone.

Brokeback Pontaic
Friday, April 24, 2009
6:30pm (doors)
7:00pm (silent auction)
8:00pm (show starts, silent auction closes)
The Comedy Bar

Hosted by Chris Locke

With performances by:
Kathleen Phillips
Zeesy Powers
Iron Cobra
Kurt Smeaton
Alana Johnston & Kayla Lorette
Megan Fraser
Levi MacDougall
Katie Crown
Sara Hennessy

And silent auction items from:
Leah Buckareff
Claire Milne
The Sweetie Pie Press
WORN Fashion Journal
Find out more here.