Jun 16, 2009
Next Stop, The Twin Cities. June 26, 2009.
Becky is also teaching a couple workshops over the weekend if that's the sort of thing you are into. Come learn how to be weird and awkward while Graham sleeps or pouts. Or both!
Jun 13, 2009
Big news: New monthy show in Toronto.
Apologies for this strange and out-of-date picture. We are much older and normaller now. It's just that the internet is so visual these days we couldn't fathom imageless news.
But this is not important. What is important is that we have just done some hand shaking with Mr. Gary Rideout Jr. to secure a monthly spot at the illustrious Comedy Bar on posh Bloor Street West.
After we get some summer touring out of our systems, we will be taking over the 9:30 slot on the last Wednesday of the month. Here are some details for that hardcore fan of ours:
Wednesday, September 30 - 9:30pm
Wednesday, October 28 - 9:30pm
Wednesday, November 25 - 9:30pm
We are going to give this thing a three month go so it will be up to you, throngs, to tell us whether it is a good idea or not. If it is, we will extend the run and end up performing the day before New Year's Eve. This can't fail!
Jun 8, 2009
Ghost Jail. Sunday, June 14th. Toronto.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Clinton's Tavern
(Bloor & Clinton - at Christie Station)
Jun 5, 2009
New artwork for a new year (the kind of year that starts in June).
Look what the good Reverend Aitor made us!
Stay tuned for this illustration's upcoming purposes.
Jun 2, 2009
catch23 lives on.
As our million readers well know, IRON COBRA was orginally born as a team at catch23 Improv, a loosely competitive improv show in the city of Toronto. At that time we also had some dead weight named Josh holding us back (thankfully, we managed to pawn him off on a string of television and film successes and were able to get on with our public spats unhindered).
catch23 has gone through many, many changes over the years. It has gone through plagues of fights, many power shifts, at least one demise and many resurrections. At this point, it seems time to accept that the vicissitudes of the show are within its basic nature.
To that end, the two of us have come back on board again as producers (for as long as the show will have us back). We are joined by Kurt Smeaton, Kayla Lorette and Alana Johnston in this undertaking and like them all quite a great deal. Even when we are away on tour, catch23 will be our home in Toronto - a show where people can kind of do what they please even if they make a hot mess. That's how we like our homes; hot and messy.
You can join us for catch23's 7 Year Anniversary Show on Friday, June 5th, 8:00pm at the Comedy Bar (945 Queen Street West). Graham will play with Alana and Becky with play with Kayla.
For more information check the catch23 website, facebook group or twitter.