Sep 27, 2009

Friends, the time is nearing.

Hi guys,

So our weekly Toronto engagement is set to begin in just a few days (on Wednesday at 9:30pm, to be precise) and we thought we should fill in some last-minute details and surprises for you, the people of the future.

First, We are being joined on stage (kinda) but local sci-fi folk singer/songwriter and longtime compatriot, Laura Barrett. That's a picture of her above.

Secondly (but not in a secondary way), Mr. Mark Andrada will be joining us from the booth. Mark is an endlessly talented performer both on and off stage and we are very lucky to have him calling our scenes and making them better through technology.

Okay, see you all Wednesday.

Comedy Bar
945 Bloor Street West

Sep 18, 2009

Catch23 Improv. Friday, September 18, 2009. Toronto.

Photo by Prof. Bill Leahy

We will be explaining ourselves on stage together tonight at Catch23 in Toronto.

The Comedy Bar

You should come.

Sep 14, 2009

Home on the Road.

Photo by Rene Dellefont

We had very little internet access this weekend so updates about this year's World Domination TheatreSports Tournament were not as constant as they could have been. Just to make sure we never forget, I will try to list everything that happened over four days here:

-My mom drove us to Buffalo
-We ran into Woodhands in the Buffalo Airport
-Chris Blair told us that Team Vancouver had been turned back at the border
-We did a show where we got totally slimed
-Prison Shower!
-We got drunk
-We blacked out for the rest of the time
-Vague memories of everyone being really funny
-Whirly Ball!
-Graham threw up from eating too much ribs
-So did Josh
-We made things up on stage and/or read some favorite scripts
-Dance party DJ'ed by Rene!
-Another blackout
-Chris Blair helped us clarify our artistic visions on stage
-Drinking games
-We lost our trophy or maybe Arlen stole it
-We got to ride back to Toronto on a double-decker bus!

So that is my version of things. Graham might pipe up with his, but it seems unlikely. Also, more pictures might appear here (but this is also unlikely). At the very least, Whirly Ball merits some visuals aids. So does the reality of what we look like soaked in maple syrup, mayonnaise and chocolate.



Sep 5, 2009

Sneak Preview of New Commodities.

Yesterday, the Iron Cobra labs were all abuzz with merchandising. Pictured here is a sneak peek at some "tee shirts" we have been developing to support our "comedy".

Look for them at our monthly shows and on your backs.

Huge thank-yous go out to Shannon Gerard for doing the printing and Reverend Aitor for making the artwork.

Young Willy wanted one so badly that he had to take off his shirt to get one. Don't be outclassed by an eight year old.