Jul 10, 2005

Next Show: The DDP Show. Monday July 11.

Who is DDP?

Some guy who makes music and comedy. But, who cares?

Let's do some improv!

With Shenoah Allen, Mark Andrada, Mark Chavez, Eric Hart, Becky Johnson, Kurt Smeaton & Sean Tabares.

But seriously, this will be a free-form longform improv show based on the music of Mr. David Dineen-Porter (DDP) and musically scored by this same gentleman.


Then after, we all trundle down to Clinton's where the real IRON COBRA will be competing at catch23 IMPROV. Check out this line up: IRON COBRA (Graham Wagner & Becky Johnson), Shelley's Sweet Sixteen (Kurt Smeaton & Martin Gero) & The Remainders (Katie Crown & Ryan V. Hays). And what's more? Your ticket stubs from the Fringe get you in FREE!

Our Ever-updating Fringe schedule
Map to Venue

**For more DDP check out The Iliads.**

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